Copyright © Baldwin Civic Association, Inc.  |  All Rights Reserved

​​Membership Committee 

The membership committee is a standing committee whose main objectives are to recruit active members that reflect the various constituents of Baldwin in order to accomplish the mission of the Association, and facilitate communication within the membership and keep its membership informed by maintaining current member contact information. 

As part of its mission, the committee:

  • Conducts membership drives.
  • Partners with other Baldwin organizations (e.g., educational, religious, business) to recruit members.
  • Develops, as needed, ways to keep membership informed (e.g., newsletter, website).
  • Promotes awareness of the Association within the community.

The committee is currently comprised of four members who have, in total, lived in Baldwin over sixty years. The committee welcomes new members who will continue to reflect the residents of Baldwin, and who will be able to contribute their unique, diverse opinions on how to help the committee achieve its goals. To get in touch with the committee, use the form on the
Contact Us page. Please select "Membership" for the subject line.

About the Chair

Robert Weisser has been a Baldwin resident since 1984. He is married, has two children who graduated from Baldwin High School, and has his own writing and editing business. Rob has been active in community organizations most of his life. Besides participating in PTA, PAL, Eagles, the Chamber, and Loft Estates Neighborhood, he helped start the Baldwin Foundation for Education. Since being a founding member of the BCA, Rob has continually looked for opportunities to improve the Baldwin experience and to increase contact and understanding between residents from all sections of town. "As chairperson of the Membership Committee, I want to increase the number of active members so that the BCA can be a more powerful advocate for Baldwin's development."

New Member/Membership Renewal

To print and mail the Membership Application Form with your dues, click

To begin or renew your membership online and pay your dues via PayPal, click here.